Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Original image can be found at: http://www.pinerotours.com/eng/destinos_itinerario.php?id_destino=25&id_paquete=76&id_plantilla=429

Los Llanos is not as bio-diverse as the regions that surround it.  One reason for this is that the region has very few endemic species.  Most of the biodiversity that it has is concentrated in gallery forests.  The open plains are not a widely used habitat.  The following are some animals and plants of los llanos de Arauca and Apure that are worth mentioning: 

Caimán:   The Caiman, Cayman in English, is a symbolic animal of Los Llanos.  There are 5 different species present.  The two most famous being: Caiman de Orinoco and la baba.  La baba are the smallest one only reaching up to 2 meters, while the Caiman de Orinoco can reach up to 6 meters. Both live in the rivers and lakes of Los llanos. 

 Original image may be found at: http://www.kunst-fuer-alle.de/english/fine-art/artist/image/prisma-%28f1-online%29/6248/1/189870/baba,-caiman-crocodylus,-estado-de-apure,-kaiman,-los-llanos/index.htm

White-Tailed Deer:  The only deer  that can be found in all of Los Llanos, in comparison the plains of Africa which have many more types of deer adapted to the savannas.  This is yet another example of the lack of mammalian fauna of Los Llanos in comparison to at savannas of Africa.
 Original image can be found at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/barloventomagico/3878618667/

Pirañas:   Pirañas, Piranhas in English, are fish with teeth that live in the rivers of Los Llanos.  They are one of the 12 species of carnivorous fish that are present in the rivers of South America.  They are 25cm long, but can grow to be up to 60cm.  
 Original image can be found at: http://www.casa-vieja-merida.com/tour/los_llanos/indexeng.shtml

Araguato (Mono Auyador):  In English it is called the howler monkey.  It is a primate that lives the los Llanos.  They live in the gallery forests, and they are in clans of 10 to 15.  The clan is made up of females, young males, juveniles, and one leading male who protects the clan.  It is called Mono Auyador, Howler monkey, because of the sound they make.  
 Original image can be found at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/barloventomagico/2801069075/

La Garza Real:  Heron in English. It is one of the 3 species of garzas of Los Llanos.  It has its whole body covered in white feathers.  La Garza Real is the largest of the three, and it is famous for its feathers.  Its feathers are delicate and fine, giving la Garza Real the appearance of having a veil on its back.  Since the colonial times this bird was hunted for its feathers which were very popular in Europe.  
 Original iimage can be found at: http://www.venezuelatuya.com/natura/garza_real.htm

Moriche Palm: This palm tree is abundant in Los Llanos, and is a symbol of the region.  They grow in zones where the flow of water is smooth.  They also get their nutrients from that has been filtered by the savanna floors.  They tend to grow on is moist,swampy land. 
Original image can be found at: http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7106/8163046311_2db4ae7300.jpg

El Saman: This tree is other times referred to as the tree of rain.  They cannot tolerate the cold, and they grow fast and need plenty of space.  Once fully grown the Saman can resist droughts quite well. 

Original image can be found at: http://members.inode.at/841268/sllanos.html

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